Medigap Plan C provides the most additional coverage that you can get then to other Medigap Supplemental plans, and it is one of the most comprehensive plans on the market. However, this plan can’t be purchased any longer by Medicare beneficiaries because, on January 1, 2020, this plan is no longer available (together with Plan F). But, it is available for those who were eligible for Medicare before 2020. It is sold by private insurance companies approved by the federal government.
Plan C coverage
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan C provides the most comprehensive coverage on the market and provides you with these benefits:
- Part A hospital coinsurance for hospital costs
- Part B coinsurance or copayment
- First three pints of blood
- Part A hospice coinsurance and copayment for hospice care
- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
- Part A annual deductible
- Part B deductible
- 80% Foreign travel emergency care
The only thing that Supplement Plan C doesn’t cover is Part B excess charges. Part B excess charges could happen if you go to a doctor that doesn’t accept Medicare terms so won’t bill you accordingly to them. Therefore, you can be charged up to 15% for the medical service which was provided to you. This is also known as balance billing. However, the part B excess chargers could rarely happen.
Can I enroll in Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan C?
To enroll in plan C you would have to be eligible for Medicare before the 1st of January 2020 because from 2020 Medigap policies don’t cover Part B deductible anymore. If you become eligible after 2020 you can no longer purchase it. Those Medicare beneficiaries who already got Plan C can keep their plan. However, if you turned 65 before 2020 and were enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B) you can still enroll in Medigap Plan C during the Open Annual Enrollment.
Plan C costs
With this insurance policy, you get almost everything covered except Part B excess charges. However, the monthly premium costs are higher and can cost you up to $220 a month. Still, if you are eligible for plan C and want to be covered almost in full you should consider Plan C or F as an option.